Saturday, June 7, 2008

Welcome home MOJO, welcome home.....

Seems like Mr. Mojo has come back and is visitin' with me. He went on vacation and I feared he was never coming back. But, seems like he came back as a different person. NOT that I am complaining, but I am scrapping a little different now....a little less anal....and that is a good thing. It has made me faster as well. Which is really not a bad thing. Overall I am just having fun again!! So enjoy some of the latest... and let me know what you think. The bottom two incorpoate Skribblz into them as well.......hmmmm maybe I am having so much fun BECAUSE ot them!! LOL.

The leaves and stems are Skribblz.

The bird and Fabulous are Skribblz!

1 comment:

Lori M said...

Absolutely gorgeous girl!!! You will have to talk to kat about getting me on that design team of hers eh LOL!

Glad your mojo is back - when your dne can you send it my way....