thoughts, photos, comments and such about my scrappy life
Saturday, August 2, 2008
This is why !!
Both of these critters came home with me a few weeks back...How could I resist! Their names officiall are Tilly and Peanut! Just had to share, now off I go to what I am really suppose to be doing!
I am a self confessed workaholic. So you may ask when do I have time to be artistic? Well anytime I am not working cause' I am also a scrapaholic and need to be creative. One balances out the other and vice versa, if you know what I mean. I am a dual brain thinker, very analytical and logical by day, but creative and intuitive by night! I have a wonderful DH that supports my habit. I have no children of my own but have a plethara of kids in my life that my friends generously donate to my photography.
that bottom photo is FANTASTIC!!!!!
Awwww... cute fur-babies Jennifer!!!
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